Herbal Nutrition and Dietary Consulting in office, online or phone consultations. Dr. Khalsa has studied with healing masters from around the world for over 40 years, including some of the oldest known yogi's and dharma teachers,: Swami Bua who lived to 121, and the world-renowned Green Monk Bhante Dharmawara Mahatera who lived to 110. Dr. Khalsa's knowledge of herbology and nutrition is valuable for anti-aging as well as rejuvenation.
His experience over the past 20 years of tongue diagnosis and iridology give him deep insight into one's internal biochemistry. By integrating herbology, and various orthomolecular therapies (vitamins and minerals) he is able to guide you toward optimum health. As a healthy vegetarian for over 40 years, he is able to guide you toward creating healthy dietary habits which enhance your overall state of well-being.
His approach to cleansing, detoxifying and weight loss is a non-radical and effortless process. Through careful consultation and examination, he is able to assess your primary needs and create the optimum healing program for your journey to wellness.
Experience Optimum Health wherever you may be in the World.
The first consultation is an hour long phone/Zoom meeting after the intake forms (Health review, Nutritional evaluation symptoms form, Ayurvedic questionnaires ) have been received.
$35. discount for initial consultation with discount code OCT2022.
Cost of nutritional supplements not included.
Having an awareness of the body's nutritional needs makes the art of food preparation preventive medicine. It is true "you are what you eat", so it stands to reason that if you eat healthy natural organic foods created through the balance and miracle of nature, your body which is also created through the balance and miracle of nature will be able to function in its most harmonious state. Healthy eating, thinking, breathing, as well as exercise practiced daily are all important ingredients to a healthy, vibrant and vital constitution. The conscious recognition of this creative energy begins to put you in tune with it, and once in harmony with this, you are in harmony with yourself and consequently your environment. When you begin to appreciate the exquisite symmetry of a carrot, the joyous color of an orange, the fragrance of an herb, you are beginning to see the true beauty of nature's gifts. These gifts are your tools, you are the artist, free to create whatever your imagination can conceive. The love, joy and exhilaration with which you prepare food is reciprocated by the food itself and conveyed to those you serve.